Safe digital space for workplace-related discussion

A safe space for employees and community members to anonymously discuss issues and concerns about their work environments.

Leverage employee ideas, experience & creativity

Thrive on staff members engagement and input through constructive discussion and valid feedback.

Making everyone feel heard

Our aim is to make it easy and fear free to share opinions, start discussions around important but sometimes sensitive topics.


Anonymity effectively eliminates any hierarchical structure within the users and facilitates equal contribution whilst protecting participating staff members from potential threat of reprisal.

Slow and Constructive Conversation

Deliberate slowness of communication helps inhibit ‘flaming’ discussion while preserving a pace of conversation, allowing users to contribute in a meaningful and constructive way.

Proactive Moderation

Proactive Moderation facilitates Civility and Safety of discussion in the context of anonymity, by which the contributions of users to discussion naturally grow into constructive dialogue.


Validity of the discussion supported by features of Anonymity, Slow and Constructive Conversation and Proactive Moderation create additional value of the employee voice and its outcomes.

OurVoice helped to discuss and realise opportunities in how we promote and reach Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff with the available professional development options, creating an inclusive and enabling environment through lifting the cultural competency of Red Cross people.

-Head of People and Culture Australian Red Cross

Interested in trying it out?

Dive in and check OurVoice public demo version.

Contact Us

To find out more about Induk or get involved in our ongoing research, please contact Dinislam Abdulgalimov via